What does this program do?
It allows you to input two initials as strings, plus a surname, and then prints them out with a welcome message.To do that it declares three variables. A variable is like a bucket which stores data. Strings are objects in C++ - but that is far in advance of what I need to know for a program like this. There are other concepts I don't really need to know yet like using namespace , and #include . At the moment all I need to do is remember to include these lines.
At this stage I am really just playing around with getting very basic programs to work
using namespace std;
// In this program I use comments like this
// iostream is a standard library containing code to read and write to the console.
#include <iostream>
// this program will read in two initials
// and the name
// and welcome you to programming
// main is the function which C++ always runs first.
int main()
// declares three string variables
string strFirstInitial;
string strSecondInitial;
string strSurname;
// Enter name
cout << "Enter your First Initial :" ;
cin >> strFirstInitial;
cout << endl << "Enter your Second Intitial :";
cin >> strSecondInitial;
cout << endl << "Enter your Surname:";
cin >> strSurname;
// Output full name buy adding strings together.
// endl puts a carriage return into the output.
// strings start with " " then append each initial with a space for formatting.
cout << endl << endl << "Welcome to programming in C Mr " + strFirstInitial + " " + strSecondInitial + " " + strSurname << endl;
//end of program
return 0;
Why use comments?
Comment provide English language information about what you are trying to do with the program at certain points. In this code, every comment starts with // and goes on to the end of the line.You can also do in line comments like this: /* this is a comment */
In in line comments, everything inside the asterisk is ignored by the compiler.
See you next week for more adventures in very basic programming ;)
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